Thursday 28 November 2019

Nov. 28th

PD Day tomorrow,  Nov. 29th
Bring in ear buds, if you have them. 


Christmas concert Dec. 10th at 5pm
Math homework- please return if you would like it to be marked by the teacher

Wednesday 27 November 2019

November 27th

In Social Studies we worked on our story robes - Annabelle
In Science we did a pop quiz on lights and shadows -Avery
In music we learned our Winter Concert Songs - Sienna
We had an indoor lunch today - Muqaddas
We learned about clocks in math - Levi
In writing we are finishing up our Personal Narratives - Praneel
In P.E. we played floor hockey -


We have no school on Friday
Bring in the material to stuff the socks for the Mustard Seed
Bring in ear buds
Bring in 2 L bottles

Christmas Concert for Grade 2 and 4 on Dec. 10th at 5pm.

Monday 25 November 2019


No School on Friday- PD Day

Winter Concert Tuesday, December 10th

When you live on the streets, a pair of warm socks stuffed with hygiene and other useful items can be a valuable gift. This year, the grade 4 Ambassador Club is organizing a grade 4 campaign to help recipients of the Mustard Seed by participating in their Warm Feet in the Street initiative. We are very lucky to be receiving a donation of socks for this project. We are asking students to donate what will go with the socks. Please, no alcohol-based items such as mouthwash, no food, and no money. Donations will be accepted in your child’s classroom until December 13. Thank you in advance for your continued support. This is a great way for our students to give back to our larger community and provide some warmth for those less fortunate this holiday season.  
Here is the link should you wish more information as well as a wish list for donations:

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Nov. 20th

Parent-Teacher Conferences tonight, tomorrow and Friday
Bring in Earbuds if you have them
Early Dismissal tomorrow on the 21st
No school on Friday
Bring in 2L empty bottles - if you have them
Some people have still not completed their Waste Projects
Homework is posted for this week

Tuesday 19 November 2019

November 19th

We learned more about packaging today - Alina
In music learned more of our songs for the Winter concert - Bilal
All three classes were together today for music -
We worked on our personal narratives and buffalo robes today - Ethan and Avery
We learned about hazardous waste in science - Jakob
We did the climbing wall and hockey today -  Dunya
Most people finished up our math check up -
We did subtraction slides today - Avery
We did our reading groups today - Everleigh


Parent teacher conferences today, tomorrow and the next day
Tomorrow's fun lunch
Bring in pop bottles
Our science projects are still due
No school on Friday
Half day on Thursday
Bring back personal narrative if you brought it home
Bring earbuds

Thursday 14 November 2019

Nov. 14th

Bring in the homework if you did it at home
On Nov. 20-21, and 22 is Parent-Teacher Conferences
The Waste Project was due on Tuesday
Early Dismissal on Nov. 21st
Please bring in empty two-liter bottles

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Nov. 12th

In Social Studies we worked on our Personal Narrative. Avery
In Science, Ms. Curnew has asked for empty 2 L bottles. Praneel
Some people had choir at lunch today. Dunya
We did Language Centers. Everleigh
Challenge to not produce waste for lunch tomorrow. Jakob
We did Science instead of Math today. Muqaddas

Parent Teacher conferences, Nov. 20, 21st and 22nd, an email went home today with information on how to book separate from PowerSchool.

Waste project was due today, please make sure to finish tonight. 

Early Dismissal on the 21st at noon

Bring in ear buds, if you have some that you can use at school

Thursday 7 November 2019

Nov. 7th

Assembly for Remembrance Day tomorrow, wear red and black or a school shirt 
Math homework due tomorrow

Nov. 11th is No School for Remembrance Day

Keep playing Readoloply!

Take the home Waste Project is due by Nov. 12th

Bring in earbuds, if you have a cheap pair to keep at school

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Nov. 6th

We rehearsed for the Assembly for Remembrance Day. - Maxim
Most of us finished our poems for Remembrance Day- Bilal
We did a Girls vs. Boys match in Math to practice subtraction-Jakob
We played Kakooma today- Muqaddas

Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday 
Please bring in money to donate for a poppy
Remember to do your At-home Waste Project due on Nov. 12th
Remembrance Day Nov. 11- No School
Math homework due on Friday

Tuesday 5 November 2019

November, 5th

We did the Remembrance Day dance in P.E. - Levi
Doing our poems for Remembrance Day - Sienna
We did. writing and learned how to take a big idea or watermelon to a seed - Everleigh
We did Remembrance Day prep in music - Avery
We did Gymsic - Levi
We learned about Symmetry in math - Sienna

Bring in donations for the poppies
Remembrance Day assembly on Friday
Monday no school for Remembrance Day
Waste in our World Project to do at home
Continue Readopoly
Math folder du Friday

Monday 4 November 2019

Nov. 4th

Waste Take Home Project due by Nov. 12th - don't forget to check parent email or your Google Drive account or this website. 

Math homework due on Friday
Remembrance Assembly this Friday
Remembrance Day - no school on Monday
Readopoly Challenge!

Sunday 3 November 2019

Waste Take-home Project

Waste & Our World: Take-Home Project

Dear Grade 4 Parents,

Our class is currently investigating problems of “Waste and Our World”. Each student has two “Household Waste Survey” sheets to be used to conduct their surveys. One survey sheet will be used to survey their own family’s habits; the other will be used to survey a family or individual other than their own, for the purpose of finding out the waste collection and recycling habits of others. 

You can seek out help from a neighbour, a friend or another family member to conduct the second survey. The key is that they are surveying someone who DOES NOT live in their household. 

Students can either fill out the survey online by clicking on the following link and making a copy, or they can print a copy at home.

I appreciate your cooperation and help with this take-home project. The survey is to be completed for our Science class on November 12th.


Ms. Curnew

Household Waste Survey
Do you:
1. Use school supplies/office supplies from one year to the next? 

2. Use dishes instead of paper plates; reusable cups instead of paper cups etc?

3. Sort and save papers/paper products for recycling?

4. Use both sides of writing/drawing paper?

5. Save envelopes and wrapping paper?

6. Try to buy paper products made from recycled paper?

7. Use “creative” gift wrapping ideas eg: newspaper, comics, towels?

8. Save cans and bottles for recycling?

9. Reuse plastic bags?

10. Avoid buying things in plastic containers or wrappers?

11. Avoid buying things with excessive packaging?

12. Put appropriate items into a compost pile/container?

13. Fix things instead of just throwing them away?

14. Save parts from items to help fix new ones? eg: old bike parts etc.

15. Donate/give clothing and other unwanted items?

16. Share books, games, magazines, toys with friends and family members once used?

17. Use an eco-friendly lunch bag? eg: reusable bags

18. Shut off water while brushing teeth?

19. Use your city or town’s blue bag recycling program?

20. Use your city or town’s Organics recycling program?



  • Who did you survey? ________________________________________.
  • If #19 & #20 were answered as “No”, give further explanation for why this is the case. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Name: ___________________
Date: ______________________

Date: ___________________

Friday 1 November 2019