Sunday, 3 November 2019

Waste Take-home Project

Waste & Our World: Take-Home Project

Dear Grade 4 Parents,

Our class is currently investigating problems of “Waste and Our World”. Each student has two “Household Waste Survey” sheets to be used to conduct their surveys. One survey sheet will be used to survey their own family’s habits; the other will be used to survey a family or individual other than their own, for the purpose of finding out the waste collection and recycling habits of others. 

You can seek out help from a neighbour, a friend or another family member to conduct the second survey. The key is that they are surveying someone who DOES NOT live in their household. 

Students can either fill out the survey online by clicking on the following link and making a copy, or they can print a copy at home.

I appreciate your cooperation and help with this take-home project. The survey is to be completed for our Science class on November 12th.


Ms. Curnew

Household Waste Survey
Do you:
1. Use school supplies/office supplies from one year to the next? 

2. Use dishes instead of paper plates; reusable cups instead of paper cups etc?

3. Sort and save papers/paper products for recycling?

4. Use both sides of writing/drawing paper?

5. Save envelopes and wrapping paper?

6. Try to buy paper products made from recycled paper?

7. Use “creative” gift wrapping ideas eg: newspaper, comics, towels?

8. Save cans and bottles for recycling?

9. Reuse plastic bags?

10. Avoid buying things in plastic containers or wrappers?

11. Avoid buying things with excessive packaging?

12. Put appropriate items into a compost pile/container?

13. Fix things instead of just throwing them away?

14. Save parts from items to help fix new ones? eg: old bike parts etc.

15. Donate/give clothing and other unwanted items?

16. Share books, games, magazines, toys with friends and family members once used?

17. Use an eco-friendly lunch bag? eg: reusable bags

18. Shut off water while brushing teeth?

19. Use your city or town’s blue bag recycling program?

20. Use your city or town’s Organics recycling program?



  • Who did you survey? ________________________________________.
  • If #19 & #20 were answered as “No”, give further explanation for why this is the case. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Name: ___________________
Date: ______________________

Date: ___________________