Monday, 9 December 2019

December 9, 2019

In Science, we started our Shadow Puppet Video Tutorial project. - Avery
In Social Studies, we continued working on our video project. - Everleigh
We did Science twice today. - Sienna
In Math, we worked on our movie marathon schedule. - Bilal
We did reading groups. - Jakob
In reading strategies, we learned about similes and metaphors. - Avery
We are working on completing our first draft of our snow globe story. -Everleigh
We did not have gym class today. - Sienna
We did not have music class today. - Praneel
In Math, we tried to write the date in three different formats under one minute. - Jakob

Finish your  Readopoly!
The Christmas concert is tomorrow! Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Actors must go straight to the music room. Performance starts at 5:00 p.m. Dress nicely! Please do not wear hats.

Dress rehearsal is tomorrow at 1:15 p.m. Parents and other family members are invited.

Bring in ear buds.
Bring in items for Mustard Seed.