Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Mini-Talent Shows

Mini auditions will take place the week of February 3rd.  Mrs. Bourgeois will also be posting this information onto the music blog with parents can access by going to https://auburnbaymusicmakers.blogspot.com/

Talent Show Information
For Grade 2 and 4 Teachers

            Auditions (I am calling them mini talent shows to the students/parents) will be held in music class the week of February 3-7 in the music room. 

From these mini talent shows I will choose some students to perform in the large talent show that will take place on February 12th in the morning 9:30am. 

Please put reminders on blogs every day calling them mini talent shows! This will help make sure children are practicing and well prepared.  I will provide you with a finalized list for the large talent show the Friday before the talent show.

Who: Grade 2 and 4 performers (everyone comes to watch)
When: Wednesday, February 12th  
Where: School Gym
Time: 9:30am

TIME ALOTTMENT:  Remind children that their pieces should not be to long.  I have given each class a time allotment.  Depending on the talent in your class it may be one performer or three etc.
  • GRADE 1 – 1:30 minutes (per class)
  • GRADE 2 – 1;30 minutes (per class)
  • GRADE 3 – 2:30 minutes (per class)
  • GRADE 4 – 3:00 minutes (per class)

I will be holding a dress rehearsal/run through on Monday, February 10th in the gym for the large talent show participants.  They must have all their equipment (music, costume, props, CD’s etc) at school that day.

The performers must bring their own props and equipment, with a few exceptions (gymnastics mats).

If your performer needs music for their talent they must bring in their own music on a labeled flash drive, emailed sound clip, CD or other device. 

Things that can be considered for the talent show (but not limited to):
  • Gymnastics routine
  • Dance routine
  • Martial Arts routine: but has to be a choreographed/pre-planned routine
  • Playing an instrument: practiced piece (no improvisation or making it up as they go and also no songs that have been played in class)
  • Comedy: has to be appropriate jokes and must be funny
  • Singing with or without music but the music has to be played quietly and the child has to really know the words.  Instrumental only is preferable.
  • Made up song or rap
  • Dramatic reading
  • If you have some children who are very artistic and would like to bring in a piece of art work they may do that J we will put up a few easels in the hub.  They  must have a write up describing what the pictures is about and the techniques, materials they used.

*** These must be polished performances ***


Here are the dates for your classes, mini-talent show rehearsals.  These will occur during your regularly scheduled talent show.

Tuesday, February 4th:
  • Christensen
  • Curnew

Wednesday, February 5th:
  • O’Connor
  • Koehler